It’s that time of year; lights twinkle, wreaths adorn front doors, vibrant red poinsettias announce the holidays have arrived. Christmas cookies, delicious food, and thoughtful gifts are shared with family and friends. It’s easy to fall in love with the holiday season. With many sources for celebration canceled due to the pandemic, Stress Free wants to share activity suggestions and decorating ideas to make your home “merry and bright,” no matter if you are in temporary accommodations or your own house. We will show you how just a bit of effort can help you make the most of this glorious Holiday Season.

Design on a Dime
Above we show two lanterns easily found and purchased online, and a poinsettia along with an adorable red birdhouse. Even if you are in an apartment, townhome/condo, your front entrance should not be forgotten when it comes to adding just a few items that welcome guests and create that special holiday feeling of warmth. Adding two or three festive items is not a budget breaker. Many seasonal items you can make yourself, such as a holiday wreath. If you have an old birdhouse, give it a fresh coat of spray paint, and glue on some pine and berry sprays that can be found at the dollar store, or online. Tip, these tiny floral sprays can also be used to decorate gifts placed next to a name tag.
Before COVID, no one thought twice about opening our homes in celebration of the season and the upcoming new year. Sharing joy, friendship, and love are the ingredients that create unforgettable memories. You may be wondering, how you can manage to celebrate in the face of a pandemic? So, we’re sharing stress-free seasonal activity and decor suggestions that we hope will spark some holiday creativity, inspire smiles, and warm hearts in the process. How can cookies that are too pretty to eat not bring a smile? Can you imagine a child’s eyes opened wide with delight upon receiving one of these cookies?

Wouldn’t you agree, with 2020 being a year filled with challenges galore for most of us, we owe it to ourselves to seek joyful moments? If you are away on business, living in long-term accommodation, there are outdoor activities that may provide an opportunity to connect with others safely and hopefully turn shared experiences into lifelong memories. If you are residing in your home then consider planning safe outdoor activities as well. At Stress Free Corporate Housing we believe in holiday magic, and we want to offer ideas and tips that may help you enjoy the Season, as we all say goodbye to a year unlike any other in our lifetimes.

Health and Wellbeing
If you are traveling and far from home, you may not have the option of going home for the Holidays. If by chance you have a day when you are feeling a little homesick and you’re in an area that offers a nearby park or safe wooded area, take a walk in nature as it melts stress away. You may be pleasantly surprised by comical squirrel or chipmunk antics or a curious fox- if you are lucky. We really don’t recommend any close wild animal encounters as we are all aware they can be enjoyed from a safe distance.
Bring along scissors on your nature walk and a bag to carry back plant trimmings. Look for ivy, fir branches, and pine cones to decorate your temporary lodging or home. Create a Christmas wreath, and make your own garlands. Instructional how-to videos are easily found online. Check Youtube. Don’t be surprised if you discover how one project leads to another. Before you know it-not only do you end up with great decorations-you may begin to enjoy the magic of the holidays and decide not to forgo the Season’s festivities.

It’s not easy being separated from those we love, but keep in mind this year may be the only opportunity you have to learn about your current location’s culture. If you are traveling for business, take photos to share with family and friends. Use the images to make gift tags, tee shirts, tote bags, and coffee mugs. The option to reproduce your images by transferring them to items of your choice is readily available on Amazon. If you enjoy writing consider beginning a journal and record all things you find interesting. When you look at your journal a year later, you will undoubtedly reminisce. One never knows you could begin a travel blog!

Be sure to check websites to see what is taking place in your city, as many activities have been canceled due to the pandemic.
When spending time indoors, make an ornament to commemorate your stay if you are away on business travel. Give your custom ornaments to office colleagues, friends, and family. You will need 3 ingredients: flour, salt, and water, to mix together.

Directions according to
- Step 1-Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
- Step 2-Mix flour and salt well. Gradually add water, stirring with a large spoon. Finish mixing with hands. Knead until soft and pliable.
- Step 3-Roll out on a floured surface about 1/8 inch thick. Cut shapes with cookie cutters. Place on cookie sheets. With a toothpick make a hole in the top of the ornament for threading string. Bake at 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) until hard, about 1 hour. Decorate with paint and varnish to preserve.

If children are in your household allow them to place candy canes or unbreakable ornaments on the tree. They can also help to create flour or paper decorations and adorn the tree with their homemade ornaments. Handmade Holiday cards from children are a delight to receive. There are many ways to keep children engaged in the festivities. Assist them in repotting a small plant, and give it as a gift to a neighbor, or teacher-if back in school.

Twas the night before Christmas, and everyone was snuggly tucked in their beds or on the couch watching holiday movies on Hallmark. While this may be an ideal activity for well-earned rest and relaxation, you can surely mix in some outdoor activity plans on occasion. If in a cold climate, build a snowman, ice skate, check your town’s newspaper or website to find a list of local holiday happenings. Perhaps you will discover an outdoor Christmas tree farm, (a great activity to be shared with your kids) or even better, a holiday market to visit.

Look for safe, socially distanced outdoor events. Is the town holding an annual Christmas pageant or caroling outside in the town center? There happens to be a Hallmark movie about a holiday pageant, but don’t watch the move-go to the pageant, or do both.

After the outdoor activity of your choice, warm-up with a hot mug of yummy Snow Cocoa. The recipe is courtesy of Kistna Alper, who makes Snow Cocoa for our entire office each Holiday Season. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed; let’s just say YUM is an understatement.

- 2 cups whipping cream
- 6 cups milk (I usually use whole milk or 2%)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 12 oz package white chocolate chips (try to use Ghiradelli if you can)
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
- Directions –Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker.
- Heat on low for 2-2 1/2 hours or until chocolate is melted and the mixture is hot.
- Stir well to blend.
- Garnish with a candy cane
- Enjoy from a festive mug on a chilly day.
You don’t have to turn into Santa’s helper but consider volunteering to brighten the holiday for those less fortunate. Most volunteers will say it is they who received the reward-an incredible feeling. Area senior centers, churches, and synagogues may have suggestions of events they need help with staffing. Teach a class at a local library or college. I have volunteered to teach marketing at three area colleges and a library. I met great people and truly enjoyed the questions from the students and attendees. It was a wonderful experience forever etched in my memory. If you are not comfortable volunteering, then read a book to a friend’s child, such as the Polar Express. You will likely enjoy the interaction as much as the child.
Shine Bright This Season
“A candle is a small thing. But one candle can light another. And see how its own light increases, as a candle gives its flame to the other. You are such a light.” —Moshe Davis. A universal sentiment that is especially relevant during Hanukkah. In case you do not celebrate Hanukkah, this is why we light menorahs for Hanukkah, according to a feature in Readers Digest.

Hopefully, you will be pleasantly surprised with a gift you are fortunate to receive that doesn’t cost a thing-some extra courtesy on the roads, and in the stores. I don’t know what comes over people, but they seem more patient and courteous during the holidays. I wish that the Holiday Spirit could last year long. Someone should invent a transparent mask that shows a smile. In the grocery store, I came across a mom with a toddler in a cart. The little girl was singing. She was darling and I was smiling-though no one knew-because I had my mask on. I commented, “She is singing!” I think this horrible COVID ordeal has made many people notice and appreciate pleasant little things vs. rushing through life.
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” —Hamilton Wright Mabie

Tis The Season To Be Jolly!
If you celebrate Christmas, the smell of pine can be a magical thing, transporting folks back to fond childhood memories of Christmas’s shared long ago. Looking to add a little festivity to your holidays? Invite a work friend or a couple of friends over to help decorate the tree. Make hot chocolate (recipe option above) garnish with a dollop of whipped cream or offer a cup of coffee with a dash of Grand Mariner, or Ameretto-you are allowed-after all, it is the Holidays. Egg nog and warm cider are great non-alcohol alternatives for those who have to drive or do not care to partake in alcoholic beverages.

Turn on some holiday music to decorate by and put out some Christmas cookies, or cheese and grapes-accompanied by wine or champagne to create a seasonal celebration. Any of these options are a sure-fire way to make spirits bright! Speaking of fires, if you have a fireplace, take advantage of the ambiance and warmth a fire in the fireplace offers. Bob Villa will tell you everything you need to know about starting one safely at his blog link:

Let’s Talk DIY-Christmas & Holiday Crafts

You can go for a rustic look as pictured above or add ornaments, gold beads, ribbon to the potpourri, and use a crystal bowl or transparent vase to create more shine and glamour.
Holiday Potpourri
A DIY holiday potpourri is sure to infuse your apartment home with the inviting scents of the holiday season. Oranges can be dried in the oven and then can be used to adorn wreaths, and or garlands, or be displayed decoratively in bowls mixed with holiday decor items; such as dried cinnamon sticks, pinecones, ornaments, or whatever makes you smile. This is in addition to being used in your homemade potpourri. Did you ever think there would be so many uses for an orange slice!
Potpourri preparation
Start by slicing oranges into 1/4 inch thick slices for a wreath, less for potpourri.
- Set on a paper towel and pat dry. Place them on a metal cooling rack over a baking tray.
- Place into a low oven (100°C) for about three-four hours.
- Turn them over every half hour or so to prevent them from sticking to the tray.
- Allow the slices to cool completely.
Sprinkle in some cloves easily found in grocery stores, as are the cinnamon sticks. Your home will surely smell delicious!
Lavish Tablescapes
It is easy to create an eye-catching tablescape. Start collecting items, and just have fun setting it on top of the table runner. Mix in small ornaments, cinnamon sticks, pine cones, and ivy. Select a bright fabric napkin, some votive candles in pretty holders, and feel free to mix all sized and shaped candlesticks and holders. Some faux apples and berries, add a pop of color and don’t forget the ribbon to serve as a napkin holder if you do not have holders you wish to use.

Mix fabric table cloths, placemats, and napkins. Below blue fabric placemats complement a neutral taupe cloth. The color scheme is carried through to the mantel. Blue and silver are beautiful together.

Deck the Hall’s–Accessorize Your Furniture and Interior.
Think of it as the jewelry you would wear with formal attire; only it finishes your house interior. Select your favorite holiday colors, use silver and/or gold accents on your mantle, place bright red or green throw pillows on the sofa and bed. Use a striking blanket or throw over the couch, put out fresh flowers and even a small potted plant. A low maintenance plant that can last for decades and is easily found during the Holiday Season is a Christmas Cactus, also called a Holiday Cactus. The blooms come in a variety of color choices from hot pink to pale, white, and red. A succulent prefers bright indirect sunlight. Holiday cactus are hearty plants that require little care. The following is a link to the Chicago Botanical garden for more detailed care of the plant.

As we become adults, we realize that the most cherished gifts of the Season are not objects at all, but the gifts of love, friendship, and connection, which bring us joy. Being kept apart from our loved ones due to this pandemic has presented challenges for most of us. Advent Health offers tips to brighten your spirits during these socially distant holidays. View this advice that you can share with a friend or family member that may not be taking the pandemics’ forced separation from their loved ones well, as it has been a prolonged period.
If ever in need of temporary accommodations, please don’t hesitate to call; we are happy to answer all of your questions. The Stress Free Corporate Housing team wishes you and your loved ones a Happy Holiday Season. We hope we have provided information to help you make the most of this special time of year. Stay well, and safe.
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